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One day I looked out of my window, as the sun was setting on the roofs of the sleepy houses in my street. There was only the sound of birds and dogs barking at the horizon. I suddenly found myself asking: "How does a sunset sound?" 




Keywords: multi-sensory, interconnectedness, perception shift, transduction, sunset

When a flower blooms in digital space, does it ever wither?
After graduating I was given many flowers. I have strong dislike for cut flowers for their purposeless impermanence.
Graduation Flowers bridges the impermanence of​ physical flowers and the continuous fleetingness of their data-shadows.



Keywords: digital materiality, transduction, New Materialism, AI-generated flora, transduction


Keywords: multi-sensory, interconnectedness, perception shift, transduction, sunset

Hoe klinkt een zonsondergang? Deze vraag vormde de start van mijn onderzoeksproject Unfixing Horizons



Keywords: digital materiality, transduction, New Materialism, AI-generated flora, transduction

When a flower blooms in digital space, does it ever wither? Graduation Flowers bridges the impermanence of​ physical flowers and fleetingness of their data-shadows.


Scherm­afbeelding 2024-07-11 om 21.33.21.png

Keywords: digital materiality, transduction, New Materialism, AI-generated flora, transduction

Als een bloem in de digitale ruimte bloeit, verwelkt deze dan ooit? Graduation Flowers overbrugt de vergankelijkheid van fysieke bloemen en de vluchtigheid van hun dataschaduwen.


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